中冶国际马来西亚吉隆坡THE FACE 铂金酒店及公寓二期项目部 The Face Platinum Hotel and Apartment Phase II Project Site in Kuala Lumpur, MCC International Malaysia company

中冶马来2021新春贺词 2021New Year Greetings
January 1, 2021
October 4, 2021

中冶国际马来西亚吉隆坡THE FACE 铂金酒店及公寓二期项目部 The Face Platinum Hotel and Apartment Phase II Project Site in Kuala Lumpur, MCC International Malaysia company


施工不打烊   项目夜继日

Construction does not stop ,

Project keep moving day and night

中冶国际马来西亚吉隆坡THE FACE 铂金酒店及公寓二期项目部

The Face Platinum Hotel and Apartment Phase II Project Site in Kuala Lumpur, MCC International Malaysia company


中国的传统节日春节将至,在这个阖家团圆的日子里,远在马来西亚吉隆坡THE FACE铂金酒店及公寓二期项目的部分员工却依然坚守岗位,秉承中冶集团“一天也不耽误,一天也不懈怠”的精神,在项目现场全力奋战着。

Chinese traditional festival Spring Festival is approaching. On this day of family reunion, some employees of The Face Platinum Hotel and Apartment Phase II project in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia are still working hard on THE project site, adhering to MCC spirit ” Waste no day and never stop progressing “.



The project is MCC International Malaysia company key projects in Malaysia, a busy section of location in downtown Kuala Lumpur, timely completion of the can greatly enhance MCC brand effect, so the Spring Festival this year project department, including the project manager Li Jiwei and nine Chinese employees, lead 380 foreign workers to hold position, to achieve the full completion target in July.



At present, the project has entered the stage of fine decoration. In order to ensure that the progress will not be affected by the Spring Festival holiday, the project department set up a commando team to carry out construction work in key areas, to ensure the construction plan , and to create conditions for the “fast work” after the Spring Festival. The project department made the supply budget and do purchasing in advance for big quantity construction materials, to ensure that the construction work will not be affected by materials supply during the Spring Festival; At the same time, the project department strengthened epidemic prevention and control to ensure zero infection among project staffs. Through a variety of measures, the basic guarantee of the construction schedule to ensure three floors fine decoration per month speed.




Li Jiwei, the project manager, said that although he has not been home to visit the elderly or accompany his two lovely children for a year, he has no regrets for the successful completion of the project. This insistence also represents the aspirations of many employees in MCC who are unable to return to China. Wish all of them safe and healthy, complete their work and return to China to reunite with their families as soon as possible!