中冶马来2021新春贺词 2021New Year Greetings —-新起点,新征程,我们一起再启航 A New Chapter, A New Journey, TOGETHER, We Rise Again! 李安伟 LI ANWEI |
天地风霜尽,乾坤气象和; 历添新岁月,春满旧山河。 2020年,一个颇为跌宕的年份,在昨天画上了句号。今日清晨的第一缕阳光,照亮了崭新的2021,也照亮了既有阳光也有风雨,既有通途也有险阻的新征程,我们同舟共济,一起再起航。 Yesterday marks the bringing down of the curtain for 2020, a rather tough and challenging year. As the first ray of light illumines and the dawn breaks, we usher in year 2021 – a new journey, which we will embark together through thick and thin, as well as challenges and opportunities.
回望2020,这一年,我们挺住了!新冠疫情全球肆虐,马来西亚历经第二波考验,多个建筑工地沦为聚集性感染地,但我们坚韧不屈,在中冶集团、中冶国际的科学指导下,在全体员工的拼搏努力下,我们“毫不客气”地将病毒挡在了大门之外,全员无一例确诊。面对疫情,我们同样“一天也不耽误,一天也不懈怠”。在防疫抗疫的道路上,我们将会继续坚定前行。 In 2020, we weathered through the storms of COVID-19. While the pandemic swept across the globe leaving havoc in its wake, Malaysia is in the grip of a second wave of the infectious disease with numerous construction sites getting bogged down in infection clusters. We, however, had remained resilient and managed to protect the staff as evidenced by zero confirmed cases – all thanks to the impeccable management of MCC Group and MCC International including the endurance and joint collective effort of everybody in MCC Malaysia. Nevertheless, we face the pandemic head-on by embodying the MCC spirit of “Spare No Efforts and Seize Every Day” and we shall continue to march forward firmly on our efforts to combat the pandemic.
这一年,我们抓住了!受疫情影响,马来西亚建筑开发市场低迷,开发规划项目骤减,市场“僧多粥少”,市场竞争愈发激烈,但我们逆势而上,凭借中冶马来过硬的品质和良好的口碑,疫情期间一举拿下吉隆坡奎因公寓项目、吉隆坡MH铂金明兴公寓项目以及吉隆坡THE FACE II铂金酒店公寓二期增量合同等多个总承包项目,新签合同总额较2019年增加364%,成绩斐然 We have seized the opportunities that 2020 brought us despite the major meltdown suffered by Malaysian construction industry as a direct impact of the pandemic, with dramatic drop in project development plans, and the competition becoming increasingly intense. However with the astounding quality and remarkable branding of MCC Malaysia, we had managed to turn the tide and sailed against the current by securing numerous contracts, including Quinn Project, MH Platinum Project, new scope of work for The FACE II Hotel & Suites Project and etc., amongst others, which resulted in an incredible increase of 364% in the newly signed contract value for 2020 vis-a-vis 2019.
这一年,我们稳住了!春耕夏耘一路苦,春华秋实满庭芳!多少次挑灯夜战、多少次日夜赶工、多少次伏案疾书,我们迎来了吉兰丹项目顺利竣工;迎来了THE FACE项目的成功封顶;迎来了奎因项目MH项目相继开工,也迎来了各项考核指标新的突破,2020在中冶国际一类机构绩效考核中以绩效总分99.7分的成绩圆满收官! We had also delivered a stable performance in 2020. The end of the year is the time where we finally harvest the fruits of our hard work for the past whole year. Our relentless efforts with our staff working day and night, had resulted in us successfully delivering the completion of Troika Project, topping out of THE FACE project and commencing the works of Quinn Project. To top it off, we have also achieved breakthroughs in various performance targets, scoring 99.7 in the performance assessment of Tier I Overseas Entities of MCC International for the year 2020.
走过2020年,一个启示分外鲜明:在危机中育先机,于变局中开新局。时代前行的迅猛步伐,让我们等不得;日趋激烈的竞争态势,让我们慢不得;不容忽视的现实问题,更让我们拖不得。历史不断延续,发展从未止步,旧岁已展千重锦,新年更进百尺竿。 2020 has been inspiring and leads us a very truthful revelation that opportunity goes with crisis and changes bring progress. The quickening pace of time does not allow us to wait; the increasingly fierce competition does not allow us to stall; and the inevitable reality does not allow us to laze. As history continues and development pursues, an astonishing progress and achievement shall be reified in the brand-new year.
“要知道,春天的道路依然充满泥泞”,前进道路上,不可能一马平川、一帆风顺、一路鲜花,少不了“拦路虎”和“回头浪”,我们必须付出更为艰苦的努力。生活总是充满希望,成功总是属于积极进取、不懈追求的人们,我们在前进的道路上还会遇到各种风险与挑战,不论何时,我们定将与大家同在。 “All roads that lead to success have to pass through hard work boulevard at some point”. Despite the road will always be long, windy and bumpy ahead, it does not separate you from the destination; it is essentially a part of it. Therefore, we shall spare no efforts to overcome all the challenges and hardships. Life is always filled with hopes and success favors the one who stay positive and perseverant. No matter how risky or challenging the future could be, we will always brave the odds as one.
胸中若有凌云志,不待扬鞭自奋蹄。新的一年,我们将更注重MCC品牌的打造、更加注重机制的创新、更加注重人才的培养,让公司发展的更辉煌,让同事生活的更幸福是管理层的初心与使命。新的一年,我们凝心聚力,必将抹去国籍的鸿沟,不忘初心,扬帆起航;新的一年,我们以人为本,构建更加完善的福利保障体系和收入分配体系,让所有员工都能共享公司蓬勃发展的成果。 For this New Year, we shall attach utmost importance to the promotion of the MCC brand, systematic innovation and talent nursing so as to achieve the Management’s mission for the company to become more prosperous and for our colleagues to be happier and more ebullient. In this New Year, let us join hands together to bridge any cultural gaps between different nationalities, remain true to our original aspiration, and embark on a brand new journey; In this New Year, let’s build a people-oriented, more balanced compensation and benefit system so that all employees within the organization can reap the benefits brought about by the prosperous development of our company.
崭新的2021年已经到来,新征程,我们一起再启航。借此机会,我谨代表公司管理层,衷心祝愿大家在新的一年里,身体健康、工作顺利,生活幸福,阖家欢乐! With the arrival of a brand new 2021, let’s embark on this new journey together once more. On behalf of the management, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you and your family a healthy, happy, prosperous and fruitful New Year! 2021年1月1日 1st January 2021 |