First Overseas Trip this Year, Chairman Zou Weimin Visits Malaysia and Indonesia

新年首访:邹维民董事长赴马来 印尼考察调研
First Overseas Trip this Year, Chairman Zou Weimin Visits Malaysia and Indonesia

2月16日至21日,中治海外董事长 党委书记邹维民带队赴马来西亚、印尼两地考察调研,这是邹维民董事长新年首次外出访问,期间,邹维民董事长一行考察了两地在建项目,召开工作会议,并拜访了有关人士和单位。










此外,邹董事长还听取了马来公司对于 Jesselton  villa项目和沙捞越市场开发情况的工作汇报。


马来西亚考察期间,邹维民董事长还在杨若冰总经理的陪同下,在吉隆坡拜访了成功集团主席、丹斯里陈志远先生,双方进行了友好洽谈,就合作交流等内容进行了深入探讨。随后,邹董事长一行还在槟城拜会了成功集团CEO拿督Pee Kang Seng , 并参观了成功集团在槟城的Jesselton  villa项目部,现场听取有关项目开发和市场售后情况。








在印尼考察期间,邹维民董事长一行还拜访了印尼投资协调委员会副主席MR TAMBA,双方就印尼工业园和房地产投资等议题交换了意见,邹董事长向副主席先生介绍了中冶海外在印尼的发展情况,也表达了在印尼开发商业住宅项目的意向,主席先生表示非常欢迎中冶这样的中国企业来印尼投资和发展。






此外,邹董事长还考察了雅加达中心地区房地产市场,参观了位于雅加达THAMRIIN的一块商业地块以及雅加达中心地区的KERATON residence, 并详细了解了价格和户型等市场信息。同时还拜访了国会议员Daniel、印尼计划投资部副部长、中资银行、保险等人士和单位,双方就加强交流,项目合作等进行了沟通洽谈。



(通讯员 钟明治 槐联国)



Zou Weimin, Chairman and Secretary of the Party Committee of MCC Overseas made his first overseas visit to Malaysia and Indonesia during Feb. 16th ~21st. The team led by him visited major project sites and management teams, held working conference and met with government officials and potential cooperators.


The trip began with a series of visits to project sites including W Hotel project that stands next to Kuala Lumpur KLCC tower, Sunway Velocity project, Penang Sunshine project in Malaysia, as well as CISUMDAWU Highway project in Indonesia.


After hearing reports by interested departments on the conference held in respective headquarters, Zou gave favorable remarks on their hard work and at the same time, made major instructions on future work. First, feasible project acceleration plan should be made. Project completion is the top priority that needs the efforts and cooperation of every team member. Second, coordination among all parties should be improved to ensure the timely implementation of work plans. Third, both safety and quality of projects should be guaranteed. Only in such a way could we build MCC brand through building excellent sample projects.


The trip went further with important meetings with government officials and potential cooperators. On the Malaysia side, Zou met with Tan-Sri Vincent Tan, Chairman of Berjaya Group, and Pee Kang Seng, CEO of Berjaya and discussed with them about marketing and sales of the Jesselton Villa. On the Indonesia side, Zou met with Mr. Tamba, Deputy Chairman of Investment Coordinating Board of the Republic of Indonesia, and Mr. Wang Liping, Minister Counselor of Economic and Commercial Counsellor’s Office of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Indonesia, and talked about potential opportunities that MCC Overseas can seize in EPC contracting and real estate, and its willingness to contribute to the economic and social development of Malaysia and Indonesia.


Besides, Zou also met with Senators of Indonesia Congress, officials of Planned Investment Department, Chinese-founded banks as well as insurance firms and exchanged ideas about potential bilateral and multilateral cooperation in specialized fields. To know more about the real estate market in Indonesia, Zou visited Thamriin and Keraton residence in Djakarta.


As the Secretary of the Party Committee of MCC Overseas, Zou gave instructions to improve the work of Party-building in overseas branches and offices. He stressed that Party members should strictly follow the rules and disciplines of the Party and play an exemplary role both in work and in life.


Moreover, Zou made important requirements on future work. First, ability should be strengthened to pinpoint and solve critical problems and determination should be made to meet project deadlines. Second, management competence should be improved to better utilize big data and build a resource sharing platform where we could make the best use of what we excel at and avoid undesirable circumstances caused by what we are weak in. Endeavors and efforts should be harbored as always to adhere to the “Never Delaying and Never Slacking “spirit of MCC Group and to strive for further development.